
Always Another Side


Using a central objective reality of a superhero and a tabby cat, this animation explores and unfolds a complex story pinpointed by different scenarios that capture, trigger, and intersect on what could be any normal day in our twenty-first century world. It seeks to understand how journalism communicates events as news; how people beyond journalism respond to such events; and how normal everyday people interpret their version of the same event. This animation uses an unravelling story as a way to present complex themes of news consumption, misinformation, media literacy, and framing across age, background, and interests. We suggest you watch this multiple times—exploring, understanding and engaging with the different characters on screen. We guarantee you will find another side to the story each time.  

This animation was commissioned by the museum as part of the 2020–2021 exhibition Breaking News? how the smartphone changed journalism. All rights reserved.

Film created and produced by The Media Majlis with Nexus Productions (London, United Kingdom) and Mighty Nice (Sydney, Australia)