Threads Futures

Interview with Joe Khalil


Here Joe F. Khalil discusses many of the business components of musalsalat, including business models, aspects and influences of both government and audience control, co-productions, and the unique aspects of Ramadan television.

Joe F. Khalil is an associate professor of global media in residence at Northwestern Qatar. His research and teaching focuses on understanding changes and continuities in media, with a particular focus on Middle East youth. He is the author of several books on Arab media and television, most recently co-authoring The Digital Double Bind: Change and Stasis (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) with Mohamed Zayani, and co-editoring The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East (Blackwell-Wiley, forthcoming). He has published articles in New Media and Society, International Journal of Digital Television, Transnational Broadcasting Studies, and Arab Media and Society amongst other journals.