How do you make sense of the news? What qualities allow you to trust what you are seeing? Our workshop with One of My Kind (OOMK) dives deeper into how we approach being media literate in the digital age.
Zinemaking is a form of handmade self-publishing, usually expressing underground, non-mainstream and often political ideas. In this workshop participants will have opportunities to work with different news media content, both found and provided, to lay bare the visual and rhetorical cues we internalize when we trust media sources. Over the workshop participants will work with news stories and facts related to a selected theme in order to explore and interrogate ideas surrounding constructions of the truth.
Come and be introduced to the zinemaking practice, its contemporary history of agitators, and DIY cultures in new contexts.
This program is in collaboration with Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar.
This program will be conducted in English; no simultaneous translation will be available.
Program credits
One of My Kind (OOMK)
One of My Kind (OOMK) is a collaborative publishing platform. OOMK have lead workshops across the UK, including at TATE Modern, the Southbank Centre, and the University of the Arts, London. Working together since 2014, they make, publish and distribute books and printed works developed from self-initiated projects. OOMK also commission new works by women, and co-curate DIY Cultures, one of the UK’s largest annual independent publishing fairs. Their own zine, OOMK Zine, is a highly visual, handcrafted small-press publication. Printed twice a year, its content focuses on the imaginations, creativity and spirituality of women, each edition centering around a different creative theme, with more general content exploring topics of faith, activism and identity. With a focus on self-publishing and education, OOMK founded and run a community printing press in East London, Rabbits Road Press, and work with museums, educational institutions and self-organized groups to deliver workshops and produce collaborative publications.